Category Archives: Healthy You Challenge Update

HYC ( Kgs Vs Inches)


I had mentioned earlier in my blog how the scale always loathes me……
Just when I feel good, get complimented that I dropped some weight it plays the ugly game yet again…..

   I weighed 69 kgs when I started exercising in January….and lost a couple of kilo’s after a couple of weeks(67 kgs)….felt great……then I stopped bothering about the numbers for a couple of reasons….one, I didn’t want my motivation and mood to be driven by the scale and also because I couldn’t find a decent one to step on…the one at the fitness centre broke and after that I stopped bothering…and it was  decided earlier on that we will not have one at home…that would be way too stressful….
   Ocassionally I tried stepping on the public ones, at supermarkets, theatres etc….and never fussed about them since each one had different numbers and the results varied drastically…and as time passed…I stuck to exercising and eating healthy…..gave the scale a total miss….
   Since a couple of weeks, my trainer and a couple of people whom I exercise with have been complimenting about a leaner and toned me…My husband S is always the first one to appreciate it…but for him I am always slim…phew, loves makes one blind…proved 🙂
   I was more than excited about these positives observations and decided its time to measure up…we also have a new scale at the studio now…and I hoofed excitedly…..
   And what happened is still beyond my understanding….the number read 75 kgs…I just couldn’t believe my eyes…I asked my trainer friend to measure me in inches ( she always advocates this way of measuring rather than the scale)….and I had lost 3 inches each around my waist and hips(my clothes also defend this)…also a few more at other areas..but the waist and hips recordest the highest…
   I am extremely happy about the inches loss….but why on earth does the scale show a raise….if its muscle, does the muscle weigh so high…and the scale functions good…I checked that too…..I had been feeling terrible since then….do you guys have any such experience…what could be the reason buddies?
   When I lost inches, look slimmer and fitter, how could I weigh 8 kgs more? Isn’t it unreasonable? How do I decipher this ?

Mixed-up ( Healthy you challenge )


        I had been off the radar for an insane amount of time…that doesn’t mean I budged from the goal…
I did all that I could do most of the time….had healthy meals whenever possible….but work has been so overwhelming that we ate out at alarming intervals…though we picked the healthiest option available..but exercise suffered…..late night working and extensive traveling took their toll…though I didn’t put on any weight….I missed the high and the muscle tone exercise gives….the confidence…the well being feeling….
      Its getting back to normalcy now….and we are back to our workouts more regularly….
After the session today we had an impromptu chat with our trainer ( now a friend too) G.
As usual…I went on sulking that I need to lose weight ……….
Here is an excerpt from the conversation.

G : Hey, from the next time pick up heavier weights since you are comfortable with the current set.

ME : yeah, I’d want to…since I have flabby arms…. bat wings ….
      (actually my upperarms are disproportionate with the rest of my body…the fat always rests on
      them….its in the family..even while I was painfully thin this relation continued…frightening
      me from donning sleeveless tops

G : Just work on them…since thats the only area you really need to tone up.

ME : Hey, I need to lose here and here and here ……

G : No, for me all is ok except the arms…

ME: Oh no….I need to lose more…

G : well since am a friend let me honestly tell you something…you look good this way….and if you lose more…I feel you will not look as good as now….thin doesn’t suit everybody….and each one is different….

ME : ?????

G : yeah, not all look pretty when thin, and you are healthy….not fat….

   After this talk….I had been thinking about it….Well, I am currently a few pounds extra… am neither fat nor slim….a little over average….being an Indian I have my curves…and I need to tone up…..the tyres,handles,muffin top dont ever look good….
   Its all together a different point that now-a-days anything other than anorexic is considered overweight in India ( courtesy: magazines,media) and I might be obese from their angle 🙂
     I am healthy and fine now…but  want to lose weight and I fret a lot about it…I want to tone up and wear all the lovely clothes I wish to…I have never admitted this to anybody other than S,my husband…and he bears with all my sulking…..and comforts me all the time…such a sweetheart he is.  
    But this bothers me quite a lot….Is the weight bothering my mind rather than my body ?
Should I be happy that am fit and fine though not slim ? And as everyone around me says…Do I look good this way ? But I dont think so….. I have always told myself….Rupa,you  can only look good when you are slim…..
    Am happy, sad, confused…all at the same time…..its an identity crisis…..and am pouring this out to all you guys since you my friends are familiar with this side ….and I feel extremely comfortable sharing it with you all……


A Special Day !


     This is a special post…special since its my birthday today and am  on top of the world with all the extra attention and lovely wishes….Am really feeling like a Queen (Are you listening/reading Hanlie)This is extra special since its the first after marriage and am loving it with S..he had wished me zillion times till now and am sure it will go on….Oh, I have a lovely husband.Touchwood!
   And another reason for this one to be absolutely special is the “Healthy you Challenge ” and support from all you wonderful people…its amazing and oh so inspiring…I’m loving it ! 🙂
I feel so good when I effortlessly slip into all my clothes…yeah, you got it right…I’ve lost a few inches…I dont know how many but I know that I did lose some….and I haven’t got on to the scale since we are not able to find a decent one at the Aerobics studio and S and I will never get one for ourselves..its way too stressful…so I am not bothered about the number…am enjoying this loss which I feel, the rosy cheeks after the workout and the new energetic,confident and enthusisatic me ….so the scale will have to wait…
      Today morning when I put on my new dress I have noticed that its comparatively loose….since I wore it in the trial room last time…Oh, that feeling…its more than million presents…and S said the same too…and I bought this new dress three weeks ago… these 3 weeks were indeed good.
     We have decided to eat out today…c’mon I dont want to cook on my birthday  and while at lunch I noticed that both S and I are invariably and unconsciously choosing healthy options….its just happening as a way of life..we are not pushing ourselves…its just that we are used to it by now…and I have no cravings whatsoever….now what else can be blissful than this…and here today for the first time ever I am going to post a picture of myself on this blog…for all your wonderful people…I shall come out with a more detailed b’day post tomorrow…about the day and happenings, surprises…
      This picture is randomly shot by S with his mobile phone at lunch today …..while we were waiting for our main course…I have a great fancy and weakness for side silhouette’s (click for the actual size) ….I find them endearing and irrestible…..and I won a NSV for myself…my b’day treat….truly on cloud nine 🙂


Mix of sorts (Healthy you challenge update)


Mix of sorts

Thats precisely what my past week had been….I missed checking-in last week since I was caught up with a flu and didn’t do anything substantial to write about…foodwise or even exercise wise…but we didn’t breach or drift from healthy eating except for a few cookies one evening….somehow the same junk food which I earlier craved for (though very occasionally) doesn’t excite me anymore….It feels good.And then, since the past 4 days there have been tiny warts on my scalp and ouch, they hurt and itch….S and I were worried and visited the doctor immediately…the medication didn’t help too…and over the past 2 days a couple of them surfaced on my back and near the ear….I called my mom and discussed this with her…I always do this whenever I fall sick…she always comes up with accurate home remedies which nurse me back to health in no time…and this time too it worked…All my mom said is it must be the changing weather and the heat inside the body….so drink buttermilk,tender coconut water,watermelon juice… I had a water melon at home and immediately sprung into action…that was yesterday and voila, today morning they hurt less and are subsiding at a frantic pace….it feels so good…and I decided to stop the medication….it anyway served no purpose…its incredible… I mean my mom never goes wrong with these therapies…and I am always bowled over…its prodigious that she knows her child through and through though we live  so far ….mom’s are ever wonderful…they are truly angels on earth…I love you mom…and miss you …
         Am fine now, S and I are back to our routine and are enjoying our workouts…..and my standoffishness with the scale continues….but today morning somehow I broke the resolve and treaded over it….and it showed 2 different weights…the 2 times I tried and it was crazy….S also ventured…just to check its authenticity and his number was even more bizarre…so we realised that its untruthful and moved on….I love it when S does these affectionate things for me…..they mean a lot…he was sure that with the number it showed me..I’d be depressed…so he set foot and then declared that its kooky..if it weren’t for him I would have been sulking the whole day….mourning over the number….he is a real darling…am blessed to have him….Love you S

Melancholic & sore


Today’s mood: Extremely nostalgic and down… deeply coveting my yesteryears  fitness center today … I always miss it…the cheerful staff…my trainer Stephen…amazingly positive and high spirited people….which is extremely essential …since they drive you with their motivation and inspiration…and those ever encouraging appreciative warm words were always music to my ears and soul…they boosted my morale… erstwhile Esprit de corps…you were outstanding.
     I like the present aerobics studio too…but it isn’t as assuasive as the previous one…I feel am judged here….which doesn’t go well with me…it dents my determination…..when I workout I do not wish for any comments or expectations especially the ones that are detrimental….”You aren’t able to lift your legs today morning”/”You forgot the flow today”….these depress me…..I know my limits and am pushing myself hard…but to expect perfection from a 12 day old student isn’t fair….infact its not right to expect anything out of anyone…since everyone wrestle’s with their own self and aren’t competing…with one another…ain’t it?
If you cannot stimulate thats totally fine, but do not dissuade either……..